Purchase generic accutane in this listing," Diflucan antifungal cream according to the FDA.
"The reason we can't find it is because of a data processing problem. But the problem was not with data, but data processing. There was an error in a computer that allowed them to find it. You only a problem like this if the program does exactly what it is built to do, which find one drug manufacturer's information on particular prescription."
Dr. David Auerbach, an expert in the pharmacology of acne, agrees that the error appears to be an innocent software error, according to a story in The New York Times. It's unclear whether the error was made intentionally or not.
"We had a similar problem with one of our products a couple years ago … but it's fairly uncommon for companies to fail process the data," said Mr. Yee.
If you need to go more than six months with an acne medication, Dr. Arp said, it's generally wise to start switching generic acetaminophen. The FDA requires that acne medications carry an "adverse event" notification label, stating that "a large number of patients have experienced serious side effects." But, it's not the reason FDA stopped approving drugs for this use.
"While you need a generic medication for that reason, you can also use a generic alternative so that we don't need to make a big switch every six months, but the prescription goes to a product that has more drug competition, which is good," said Dr. Yee, pointing out that generic competition also means a lower markup.
While brands are losing some market share overall, they still hold a significant advantage. "It used to be you could get a 20% discount for switching to generic acetaminophen if you buy cheap accutane online were on a brand. Now it'll usually be 20-35%, but in a very competitive area like acne treatment, it can sometimes be much more," he said.
A prescription drug will have "up to nine" generic alternatives in the event a brand-name medication is unavailable, according to Dr. Yee. But, it's important to note that not all acne medications carry the "adverse event" warning.
"What a generic medicine uses should be the same as what it was originally prescribed for, which is the brand-name, but brand name might have changed. So that's why we should continue to test that," said Dr. Yee. "If the manufacturer is working with their and they don't have access to information relevant prescribing drugs, then I usually suggest that the patient should find an alternative drug that might be a better option."
For those seeking to do an open label trial for their medication, a physician can help guide the selection. "There's a lot of information we all should look at on the FDA website, for example, how common are these adverse events and whether they're reported to the FDA by manufacturers," said Dr. Arp.
The website lists drug-specific side effects, but, not surprisingly, a lack of awareness these adverse events tends to mean that they will simply be missed by even the most diligent patient who seeks to use an open label trial for a particular medication.
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